How to install WordPress locally with XAMPP

One day, I was still working at my previous internship at Dearest. I was given a good chance to migrate our old company blog from Squarespace to WordPress (Because our founder made the decision that WordPress has better customization).

Initially, I was thinking the WordPress blog should be easy to deal with since you can pick your own site theme from their given lists and customize the site on your dashboard. But, I ended up figuring out that one can program their site theme locally and update it back to the dashboard if one really wants to have full control of one WordPress site.

So the WordPress water? is kind of deep.

WordPress is running on PHP. So, that means you gonna have to know a little PHP to be able to edit the site theme. But, that is not the toughest part. The toughest part is how can you set up your local WordPress working environment. After a couple of days of research, I came up with the steps to run my WordPress locally, and I want to share my steps in the content below. This might not be the best way to do so, but I hope it can provide some ideas to people who are searching on the road.

Step 1: Download WordPress Document(the WP dashboard we need to run it locally)

Step 2: Download XAMPP(web server)

Step 3: Follow this Youtube Tutorial to install the whole setting (This tutorial might be an old version at the time of reading, but you could easily find other newer videos on Youtube by searching for installing WP and Xampp)

Step 4: After finishing all the above, we can get started to pick our theme! Visit this theme site and download your choice. Those themes are all well-built and ready to use. But, if you want to customize it, you can edit it in your local code editor later on.

Step 5: Now, go back to Xampp->volumes->explore->htdocs->wordpress->wp-content->themes. Place the theme file in here you just downloaded before and unzip it. 

Step 6: Go to the browser and use localhost:8080/wordpress to log on to your blog site locally.

Extra: In case you want to go to your local WP dashboard -> localhost:8080/wordpress/wp-admin

I hope you enjoy this blog and set up your local WordPress successfully.

Happy Coding! ⌨️